Through this ministry the Lord our God has me exposing Christian historical rebellion through the compiled work of many people. The most unique part about this ministry is that God has enabled me to interpret what Jesus is saying and doing behind the scenes since He reveals deep and hidden things" (Dan. 2:22) and "all things have been created through him and for him" (Col. 1:16, NIV). It's what every mature born again Christian should be able to do. You can find these under the title of biblical interpretations. However, in order to have “eyes that see” (Matt. 13:16) you "must be born again" (John 3:7, KJV) AND in right relationship with God because "the person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God" (1 Cor. 2:14, NIV) and "hypocrites" have blinded themselves with "beams" (Matt. 7:5, KJV).

Scripture in Pictures

Full Playlist

Apostasy! Tract  Video

Christ's Skin Tone & Why It Matters Tract Video

Satan's Throne Tract  Video

The Translations Tract Video

Hell & The Ages Tract Video

Born Again Tract  Video

The Tests Tract Video

How God Became a Man Tract Video

All Christians are Guilty Tract  Video


Satan Exposed: Rightly Dividing the Word Playlist   Book  

Satan's Reign: A Timeline Book

Election: One of the Biggest Blinders Book

For Such a Time: A Revelation Book

A Plea for Help Playlist Book 

Dismissed: Tackling the Biases that Undermine Our Spiritual Care Book Video 

Dismissed: Tackling the Biases that Undermine Our Spiritual Care Book for Allen Barta

Lies Christians Peddle Book 


Prophecy Unsealed PDF Full Playlist  Slides Contents  PDF for God's 7000 Year Plan

God's Plan: A Vision for the Body Book

Tommy Hicks' Vision Video Transcript

The Bible's Message PDF Video

My Testimony

Listen! The Cure for Eagleitis Book Video

Dead in Sin: My Testimony, Part 1 Book

Led by the Spirit: My Testimony, Part 2 Book

The Incubator: My Testimony, Part 3 Book

Eagle's Nest: My Testimony, Part 4 Book

An Eagle's View: My Testimony, Part 5 Book

Biblical Interpretations

Joy While Waiting/Biblical Interpretations Playlist Playlist

Biblical Interpretations (Intro) Tract  Video

Maya Makes a Mess by Rutu Modan Video Book Tract 

Hotel California by the Eagles Book Tract Video

Needing Getting by OK Go Book Tract Video

We Will Rock You by Queen Book Tract  Video

We are the Champions by Queen Book 

Babette's Feast (1987) Book

Spiritual Growth

Growing Pains: Stages of Spiritual Growth  Book